What is Melanoma?

Melanoma is one of the most serious forms of skin cancer that is deadly when neglected – but when diagnosed and treated early, it is almost always curable It can occur anywhere on the skin or nails, even in places not exposed to the sun. It grows and spreads rapidly. It affects all skin types, including skin of color.


At Annapolis Dermatology Associates, we diagnose and treat approximately 150 patients with melanoma each year. To stay ahead of skin cancer, it’s important to continue annual skin cancer screenings with your provider.

The Severity of Melanoma

According to one source, one American dies from melanoma every hour. Melanoma is the most common form of cancer for young adults 25-29 years old and the second most common cancer in adolescents and young adults 15-29 years old. More than 75 percent of all skin cancer deaths are from melanoma. In addition, more than 5% of melanomas are caused by tanning bed use.

Currently, it is estimated that 10,000 deaths will occur from melanoma annually. In addition, almost double the number of men die yearly as compared to women.

Annapolis Dermatology Associates has extensive experience diagnosing, treating and managing melanoma, and most cases are discovered early and can be surgically treated on an outpatient basis in our surgical suites. Diagnosing and treating patients with early stage melanoma offers a very high cure rate, often approaching 100 percent.

The ABCDE’s of Examining Your Skin

  • Asymmetry

    Most moles are symmetrical and round. Be on the lookout for those that change shape and become asymmetrical.

  • Border

    Most moles have even borders. Watch out for the moles that are uneven and lumpy around the edges.

  • Color

    It is normal for moles to be solid brown. Moles that turn different shades of brown or black may indicate the presence of skin cancer.

  • Diameter

    Most moles are small, about 6mm in diameter. A dermatologist should check any mole larger than the tip of an eraser.

  • Evolving

    Be aware of new moles, even very small lesions, especially after the age of 25.

Examples of Melanoma, Regular and Irregular Moles

Everyone has moles and/or freckles. Almost all moles are normal and remain so throughout life. A mole or freckle that changes can be the first sign of skin cancer, so it is very important to look for changes in shape, size and color of your moles and freckles.

Skin cancer is among the most preventable forms of cancer. Prevention is as simple as daily protection and early detection, so examine your skin regularly.

  • Image of melanoma on the skin.
  • A person with a irregular mole.
    Irregular Mole
  • A close-up image of a mole on the skin of a person.
    Regular Mole

If You Have…

  • a new, suspicious or changing mole
  • or if you have had severe sunburns
  • or if you have had tanning bed exposure
  • or relatives with skin cancer
  • or fair skin and light colored eyes schedule an appointment for a skin survey.


…schedule an appointment for a skin survey. Our skilled staff evaluates your skin using dermoscopy to analyze suspicious moles or lesions.

Contact Our Team

Annapolis Dermatology Associates has your medical care in mind. Our team is here to address your concerns and get you feeling great in your skin! Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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